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반응형 웹사이트 제작 문의

Maxlee와 상담하세요

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Web design is a process of determining the appearance and functionality of a website accessible through the Internet. Web design is composed of various design elements related to user experience (UX) and user interface (UI).

Web design can be implemented using various design tools. For example, graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as vector-based design tools like Sketch or Figma, can be used. Additionally, web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are also utilized.

Maxlee . Design

Web design can be implemented using various design tools. For example, graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as vector-based design tools like Sketch or Figma, can be used. Additionally, web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are also utilized.

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This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


반응형 홈페이지

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


반응형 쇼핑몰

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


기업형 홈페이지

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


홍보용 홈페이지

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


웹진형 홈페이지

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


인쇄물 디자인

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


이미지 디자인

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


광고 디자인

This is maxlee, a company specializing in responsive websites.
The whole web is created as a reactive website.


Maxlee video model view

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Maxlee . Copyright ⓒ 2018 maxlee.kr All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Photographer : maxlee